Friday, 26 July 2013


The Mirage-II

Pic credit: Arhi6

"I can never forget the moment for the rest of my life Arnie! She actually said that! Whatever was her condition but at some level she thought I belonged to her in some way! Dosthi may hi sahi!! That's more than enough for me you know?" Deepthimaan told Arnav who was staring at him expressionlessly.

Deepthimaan resumed...


"Muaff keejiye Rani saa" Deepthimaan said catching his ear!

"Nahi! Iske liye zarmana bharna padega!" ( no! You have to pay indeminity) Khushi went with his ploy!

"Kaisaa zarmaana?" ( What indeminity?) Deepthimaan said his heart fluttering with untold hearth!

"Kahiye tho jaan dey dein?( Shall I give up my life if you wish fr it?)He made a dramatic gesture of drawing his sword and giving up his life with it!
"Nahi! Hum jaan leney nahi jaan deney waaley hain!"( Nope I don't believe in taking lives! I breath life into people) Khushi said a tad seriously! 

1 comment:

Disha said...

I swear i dont know whether to laugh or cry at Maan's predicament !

Poor fellow !